Contact Details =============== Last updated: (18 Aug 1998) Latest versions of my emulators are available from: Some of these are mirrored on the official sites (eg and ) I'll try to upload the latest versions to Arcade BBS as well. More than anything I'll try to post messages too. And yes, I can see what you are saying.. I'm omnipresent, I am... (home) (work.. I can check work from home and vice versa) Gareth S. Long (or 7), user #7 on Arcade (0181 654 2212/0181 655 4412.. it's well sexy). More information is available on the RISC OS emulation mailing list. To subscribe, send a message *TITLE* of 'SIGNON emulator-l' (that's a lower case L) to It's a low volume list. Unsubscription can be performed by substituting SIGNON above with SIGNOFF. Please do not send SIGNOFF requests to emulator-l, only maillist. Also, please ensure that you sign off with the address you signed on with! I had huge problems recently with someone who complained they were still getting messages when in actuality they had multiple aliases signed on, and they hadn't removed them.